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Kenneth Copeland
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Kenneth Copeland
Teksti on täältä:
Nyt katselemme hiukan Kenneth Copelandia. Hän on tänä päivänä yksi
amerikkalaisen Uskonliikkeen eturivin johtajista. Copeland on suoraan
Kenneth Haginin oppilapsi. Hän sanoo mm. näin ihmisen luonnosta:
"Jumala loi Adamin toiveestaan käsin tuottaa itselleen jälkeläisiä.
Edenin puutarhassa Hän juuri teki näin. Adam ei ollut vain vähän
Jumalan kaltainen, hän ei ollut edes Jumalalle alamainen, Adam
on yhtä paljon Jumala kuin Jeesus … Edenin puutarhassa
Adam oli lihaksi ilmitullut Jumala."
K. Copeland, "Following the Faith of Abraham 1"/ Abrahamin uskon seuraaminen 1, sivu A,
Forth Worth, Texas, K. Copeland Ministries, 1989, äänikasetti #01-3001
Otamme vielä yhden sitaatin:
"Sinun täytyy tajuta, ettet ole hengellisesti skitsofreeninen – puoliksi Jumala ja puoliksi
******* – sinä olet aivan kokonaan jumala." Kenneth Copeland, Believer's Voice of
Victory/ Uskovan voiton ääni, maaliskuu, 1982
Kuten näet näistä kahdesta sitaatista, Copeland tekee ihmisestä jumalan. Muistatko, mitä sanoin
aikaisemmin new age:stä? Juuri tähän suuntaan new age haluaa ihmiskunnan menevän, jotta
heidän Kristus Maitreyansa voi astua esiin, siis Antikristus. Haginin ja Copelandin opetus siis
edistää Antikristuksen esiin tulemista! Mikä henki silloin toimii?!
Otan vielä yhden Kenneth Copelandin sitaatin, jossa hänen näkemyksensä Jeesuksen luonnosta
tulee selvästi esiin:
"Ja Jumala alkoi puhua, ja Jeesuksesta tuli ensimmäinen kuolleista noussut. Hän oli
ensimmäinen ihminen, joka koskaan on syntynyt uudesti, synnistä, sairaudesta,
demoneista, kuolemasta elämään."
Copelandin mukaan Jeesus siis jätti synnin ja demonien likaaman elämän, kun hän syntyi
uudesti. Ei tässä puhu mikään muu kuin Antikristuksen henki. Se, mitä Copeland sanoo, ei
vähäisimmässäkään määrin pidä yhtä Raamatun kanssa. Sen sijaan se on täysin linjassa
antikristillisen vaihdon kanssa. Jeesus alennetaan aina voimassa olevasta asemastaan
Jumalana, ja meidät ihmiset tehdään jumalallisiksi.
Nyt katselemme hiukan Kenneth Copelandia. Hän on tänä päivänä yksi
amerikkalaisen Uskonliikkeen eturivin johtajista. Copeland on suoraan
Kenneth Haginin oppilapsi. Hän sanoo mm. näin ihmisen luonnosta:
"Jumala loi Adamin toiveestaan käsin tuottaa itselleen jälkeläisiä.
Edenin puutarhassa Hän juuri teki näin. Adam ei ollut vain vähän
Jumalan kaltainen, hän ei ollut edes Jumalalle alamainen, Adam
on yhtä paljon Jumala kuin Jeesus … Edenin puutarhassa
Adam oli lihaksi ilmitullut Jumala."
K. Copeland, "Following the Faith of Abraham 1"/ Abrahamin uskon seuraaminen 1, sivu A,
Forth Worth, Texas, K. Copeland Ministries, 1989, äänikasetti #01-3001
Otamme vielä yhden sitaatin:
"Sinun täytyy tajuta, ettet ole hengellisesti skitsofreeninen – puoliksi Jumala ja puoliksi
******* – sinä olet aivan kokonaan jumala." Kenneth Copeland, Believer's Voice of
Victory/ Uskovan voiton ääni, maaliskuu, 1982
Kuten näet näistä kahdesta sitaatista, Copeland tekee ihmisestä jumalan. Muistatko, mitä sanoin
aikaisemmin new age:stä? Juuri tähän suuntaan new age haluaa ihmiskunnan menevän, jotta
heidän Kristus Maitreyansa voi astua esiin, siis Antikristus. Haginin ja Copelandin opetus siis
edistää Antikristuksen esiin tulemista! Mikä henki silloin toimii?!
Otan vielä yhden Kenneth Copelandin sitaatin, jossa hänen näkemyksensä Jeesuksen luonnosta
tulee selvästi esiin:
"Ja Jumala alkoi puhua, ja Jeesuksesta tuli ensimmäinen kuolleista noussut. Hän oli
ensimmäinen ihminen, joka koskaan on syntynyt uudesti, synnistä, sairaudesta,
demoneista, kuolemasta elämään."
Copelandin mukaan Jeesus siis jätti synnin ja demonien likaaman elämän, kun hän syntyi
uudesti. Ei tässä puhu mikään muu kuin Antikristuksen henki. Se, mitä Copeland sanoo, ei
vähäisimmässäkään määrin pidä yhtä Raamatun kanssa. Sen sijaan se on täysin linjassa
antikristillisen vaihdon kanssa. Jeesus alennetaan aina voimassa olevasta asemastaan
Jumalana, ja meidät ihmiset tehdään jumalallisiksi.
Vs: Kenneth Copeland
Luin englannin kielisen artikkelin pari vuotta sitten netistä, jossa sanottiin Copelandin olevan 33 asteen vapaamuurari. Näin myös sanotaan Billy Grahamista, joka kuuluu Lousianan osastoon (lodge). Nämä ovat ilmeisiä sielunvihollisen agentteja, jotka on soluttautunut kristikunnan keskelle. En ole koskaan innostunut Grahamin touhuista ja julistuksesta. Yritin lukea hänen kirjaansa Pyhästä Hengestä, mutta en voinut jatkaa sitä kuin vähän alusta ja sitten selailin sitä sieltä täältä. Se oli kuivaa tekstiä, jossa ei ollut mitään hengen inspiraatiota ja raamatullista otetta.
Copelandista on paljon YouTube pätkiä, jotka valaisevat paljon hänen SUURESTA harhastaan. Kannattaa käydä muutamat katsomassa.
Copelandista on paljon YouTube pätkiä, jotka valaisevat paljon hänen SUURESTA harhastaan. Kannattaa käydä muutamat katsomassa.
charmo- Viestien lukumäärä : 46
Join date : 15.01.2014
Ikä : 65
Paikkakunta : Suomi
Vs: Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copelandista:
Lainaan Kristityn foorumin sivuilta, Veikko Oinaksen :Valtateologia, uskon sana ja menestysliikkeen harhaopit:
"Kenneth Copelandin mielipide Jumalasta on seuraavanlainen, ”järkytyin, kun tajusin,
kuka itse asiassa on Raamatun suurin epäonnistuja… Suurin (epäonnistuja) koko Raamatussa on Jumala.”
(Yves Brault, Kulissien Takana sivu.148)
Ihmettelen suuresti niiden, jotka pitävät Copelandia Jumalan voitelemana miehenä, hengellistä arvostelukykyä.
Päätelköön lukija itse onko Copelandin jakama opetus Pyhän Hengen voitelemaa.
Kovin ovat nämä ”Jumalan pojat” nousseet uudelle tasolle!"
Kirjoitus löytyy kokonaisuudessaan
Lainaan Kristityn foorumin sivuilta, Veikko Oinaksen :Valtateologia, uskon sana ja menestysliikkeen harhaopit:
"Kenneth Copelandin mielipide Jumalasta on seuraavanlainen, ”järkytyin, kun tajusin,
kuka itse asiassa on Raamatun suurin epäonnistuja… Suurin (epäonnistuja) koko Raamatussa on Jumala.”
(Yves Brault, Kulissien Takana sivu.148)
Ihmettelen suuresti niiden, jotka pitävät Copelandia Jumalan voitelemana miehenä, hengellistä arvostelukykyä.
Päätelköön lukija itse onko Copelandin jakama opetus Pyhän Hengen voitelemaa.
Kovin ovat nämä ”Jumalan pojat” nousseet uudelle tasolle!"
Kirjoitus löytyy kokonaisuudessaan
jarrut- Admin
- Viestien lukumäärä : 2976
Join date : 24.10.2013
Vs: Kenneth Copeland
Laitoin Copelandista linkin ja arvioin Tampereen kristillisen yhteisön johtajalle David Sterlingille löydettyäni Copelandin muurarikytkennän ja ihmettelin, miksi hän mainostaa Copelandin ministeriötä nettisivuillaan. Emme päässeet keskustelussa samalle aaltopituudelle. En sitä sinänsä ihmettele, nämä uskonsanan julistajat eivät pääse hevillä eroon harhaopeistaan. Edelleen ko. yhteisö Tampereella pitää yhtenä linkkinään Copelandia, mutta myös Jouce Meyersia, Hillsongsia ym.
Nämä kaikki taitavat olla JDS-opin harhassa - jumalattomuudessa!
Antaako se seurakunnalle lisäarvoa, kun mainostamme globaaleja ministeriöitä ja olemme osa tätä "suurta perhettä"? Sehän vain kertoo meille, että tämä eksytyksen viidakko on näin suuri ja laaja - se on verkostoitunut.
Nämä kaikki taitavat olla JDS-opin harhassa - jumalattomuudessa!
Antaako se seurakunnalle lisäarvoa, kun mainostamme globaaleja ministeriöitä ja olemme osa tätä "suurta perhettä"? Sehän vain kertoo meille, että tämä eksytyksen viidakko on näin suuri ja laaja - se on verkostoitunut.
charmo- Viestien lukumäärä : 46
Join date : 15.01.2014
Ikä : 65
Paikkakunta : Suomi
Vs: Kenneth Copeland
1980-luvulla kun uskonsanan opit pääsivät täälläpäin valloilleen,
ja ensimmäiset heidän henkiset raamattukoulunsakin perustettiin,
ihmiset olivat juuri noista demonien ja riivaajien ajamisasioista
aivan sokeina innosta, kun kaikkea oltiin ajattamassa riivaajina.
Itse olin ihmeissäni, kun ei näillä leveysasteilla aikaisemmin ollut
mitään ajatettavaa ollut, mutta oli tullut "uudet tuulet ja suurempi henki".
Pari viikkoa meni ihmetellessä, kun 100-päinen porukka huusi ja
polki henkivaltoja piikkikengillään amerikkalaisen mallin mukaan,
ja siinä tajusin, ettei tässä pilkkaamisessa ja polkemisessa
ollut mistään Raamatun opetuksesta kysymys,
kun ei ylienkeli Miikaelkaan, kun riiteli ja väitteli perkeleen kanssa
Mooseksen ruumiista, rohjennut lausua herjaavaa tuomiota, vaan sanoi:
"Rangaiskoon sinua Herra!" (UT Juudan kirje 1)
ja ensimmäiset heidän henkiset raamattukoulunsakin perustettiin,
ihmiset olivat juuri noista demonien ja riivaajien ajamisasioista
aivan sokeina innosta, kun kaikkea oltiin ajattamassa riivaajina.
Itse olin ihmeissäni, kun ei näillä leveysasteilla aikaisemmin ollut
mitään ajatettavaa ollut, mutta oli tullut "uudet tuulet ja suurempi henki".
Pari viikkoa meni ihmetellessä, kun 100-päinen porukka huusi ja
polki henkivaltoja piikkikengillään amerikkalaisen mallin mukaan,
ja siinä tajusin, ettei tässä pilkkaamisessa ja polkemisessa
ollut mistään Raamatun opetuksesta kysymys,
kun ei ylienkeli Miikaelkaan, kun riiteli ja väitteli perkeleen kanssa
Mooseksen ruumiista, rohjennut lausua herjaavaa tuomiota, vaan sanoi:
"Rangaiskoon sinua Herra!" (UT Juudan kirje 1)
jarrut- Admin
- Viestien lukumäärä : 2976
Join date : 24.10.2013
Vs: Kenneth Copeland
charmo kirjoitti:
Antaako se seurakunnalle lisäarvoa, kun mainostamme globaaleja ministeriöitä ja olemme osa tätä "suurta perhettä"? Sehän vain kertoo meille, että tämä eksytyksen viidakko on näin suuri ja laaja - se on verkostoitunut.
On se luulo, ollaan mukamas niin kansainvälisesti valistettua porukkaa, sitä mitä
Suuri uskonnon maailmakin, niin täällä ne pienetkin, samassa hengessä!
jarrut- Admin
- Viestien lukumäärä : 2976
Join date : 24.10.2013
Copeland ja Robertson 33 asteen muurarit
Tässä teille engl.kielinen artikkeli tiedostoistani, jossa tätä sidosta okkultismiin kerrotaan. Pahoittelen etten ole ennättänyt sitä suomentaa edes vähää.
Kenneth Copeland 33rd Degree
Freemason Exposed
In this article we will attempt for the first time to unveil the truth of Kenneth Copeland's Masonic membership. As Kenneth is a closet, secret Freemason who does not want anyone to know this truth, it will be a involving task that needs to look deeply into any specific clues. It is a trademark of most proud Masons to leave key symbols veiled into pictures and also to use various keywords in speeches or secret handshakes. Proof of this can be found in Masonry's most common definition of itself as being 'Freemasonry is a peculiar system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, and illustrated by Symbols.' This is taken directly from the second degree initiation and evidence that it is still currently used was proven to me recently when I attended a Masonic open day and heard that same description. The application of this quote in regards to Copeland will be discussed below.
• Kenneth Copeland started his ministry under Oral Roberts 33rd Degree Freemason as a pilot.
Kenneth was on TV sometime around June 1997 praising Oral Roberts as they are close friends.
Evidence that Oral Roberts is a 33rd Degree Freemason will be compiled and published as soon as possible.
• Kenneth Copeland chants the words "I AM" which is a Masonic initiation term.
"And I say this with all respect, so that it don't upset you too bad. But I say it anyway: When I read in the Bible where He says, "I AM," I just smile and say, "Yes, I AM, too." Believers Voice of Victory broadcast July 9 1987
During the ceremonies of the Masonic ritual for the Royal Arch degree, the candidate is asked, "Brother Inspector, what are you?" and he replies, "I AM THAT I AM."
When Jesus told the jews before Abraham was "I AM" he was claming to be the God of Moses who went by that name. This is why they tried to kill him immediately. Kenneth is claiming to be a God.
33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller also endorses his followers to chant "I AM"
"The most effective mantras employ the "M" sound. You can get the feel of it by repeating the words, "I am, I am," many times over.... Transendental Meditation or TM... is not a religion nor is it necessarily anti-Christian."
Peace of Mind Through Possibility Thinking, pp. 131-32
Benny Hinn whom I suspect is a Freemason, also tells Christians to chant "I AM."
"Don't tell me you have Jesus. You are everything He was and everything He is and ever shall be.....Don't say, 'I have.' Say , 'I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM.' Our Position in Christ #2-The Word Made Flesh audiotape Side 2 1991
• Kenneth Copeland has stated that Jehovah means Half Male/ Half Female and that God is as much female as he is male.
He amplifies this strange teaching by also saying that Adam was originally half male and half female.
According to the book "The Secret Teachings Of Freemasonry" by Gordon Mohr this is exactly what the Masonic Lodge teaches:- (on pages 107-108)
In his first initiation stages he (the Freemason) learns: 1 - That the rite of initation for Apprentice Masons represents in dramatic fashion the origin or birth of Nature's god - the Great All. It signifies the non-existence of a supernatural person God, such as that of Christianity. It signifies that the two principles of "matter" and "form", "male" and "female," are always eternally generating," (reproducing). It looks on God as a hermaphrodite, and creation as the beginning of the "generation process." Taken from: Speculative Masonry, by Brother J. Yorke, Grand Master of the Ancient Rite pages 3 & 54
2 - The initation rite into the Second Degree, represents the moral condition of nature's god, always in labor, always reproducing. Again it looks on God as hermaphroditic, and states that his name JEHOVAH, means "generation." Meaning to say, HE-SHE, the two sexes in one. From Speculative Masonry page 14 & Mackey's Lexion pages 126-129
The dual principle of "male" and "female" is represented by the "square and compass." The "compass" represents OSIRIS, the male god of the Egyptians, while the "square" is the symbol representing ISIS, the female goddess of Egypt - both are sexual symbols. Taken from: Ragon's Cours. Philosophique page 102
This reference to the square and compass is significant as Copeland has placed these symbols on one of his tape covers.
• Copeland teaches similar things that the early Mormons leaders who were also Freemasons taught.
While the Mormons teach that God lives on a planet near the star Kolob, Copeland says that his hermaphroditic god also lives on a Mother Planet:-
"Heaven has a north and a south and an east and a west. Consequently, it must be a planet."
Spirit, Soul and Body I 1985 audiotape #01-0601, side 1
"You don't think earth was first, do you? Huh? Well, you don't think that God made man in His image, and then made earth in some other image? There is not anything under this whole sun that's new. Are you hearing what I'm saying? This is all a copy. It's a copy of home. It's a copy of the Mother Planet. Where God lives, He made a little one just like His and put us on it." Following the Faith of Abraham I, 1989 audiotape #01-3001, side 1
Compare what Freemason-Mormon Brigham Young stated "Adam is our father and our God" with Copeland's quote:-
"Adam, in the Garden of Eden, was God manifested in the flesh."
Following the Faith of Abraham I, side 1
Also compare Freemason-Mormon founder Joseph Smith's teaching that if you were to see God today "you would see him like a man in form - like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man." with Copeland's following description of his god:-
Copeland decribes God as "a being that is very uncanny the way he's very much like you and me. A being that stands somewhere around 6'2", 6'3", that weighs somewhere in the neighbourhood of a couple of hundred pounds or a little better, has a span of 9 inches across." Spirit, Soul and Body I audiotape Side 1 1985
God spoke Adam into existence in authority with words. These words struck Adam's body in the face. His body and God were exactly the same size."
Holy Bible, Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition 1991, 45, emphasis in original
"[Adam] was the copy, looked just like [God]. If you stood Adam upside God, they look exactly alike. If you stood Jesus and Adam side by side, they would look and sound exactly alike."
Authority of the Believer IV 1987, audiotape #01-0304, side 1
On the cover for Copeland's audiotape series entitled 'How To Build Your Firm Foundation.' Remember the main definition of Masonry as being 'Freemasonry is a peculiar system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, and illustrated by Symbols.'
This is exactly what we have right here. Copeland has placed the chief Masonic symbols of the square and compass here that to most people the true meaning is veiled in an allegorical style.
ALLEGORY, fictional literary narrative or artistic expression that conveys a symbolic meaning parallel to but distinct from, and more important than, the literal meaning. Allegory has also been defined as an extended metaphor. The symbolic meaning is usually expressed through personifications and other symbols. In art, an allegorical painting or sculpture is one that has a symbolic meaning underlying the surface image.
More symbols of Freemasonry are incorporated into Copeland's 'Shout' magazine for kids. Around Kenneth's neck is an eagle above an inverted triangle. I have seen this symbol on a Masonic certificate before. The female has an inverted 5 pointed star placed on her shirt. This symbol represents the 'Order of the Eastern Star' which is a Masonic order for women! Is this a coincidence? Now Copeland has placed the main symbols of Masonry and the Eastern Star on his covers. When 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller wanted to express his secret membership in the Lodge he used the 33rd Degree symbol of a double headed eagle and sent it out to many people without them realizing what he was declaring to his Masonic brothers worldwide. 33rd Degree Freemason Oral Roberts used the inverted triangle in his University logo which has a hidden Masonic design to it. Another odd element is that the Freemasons veiled the symbols of the square, compass, inverted star and triangle into the street layout of Washington D.C. These are the 3 symbols that Copeland has placed on the 2 mentioned covers. As I write this he is also presently in Washington conducting a rally.
To summarize:-
Kenneth Copeland started work under a 33rd Degree Freemason whom he has a strong friendship with. He claims to be 'I AM' which is a Masonic initiation term. His teaching about his hermaphroditic god match up exactly with what Masonry teaches and his teaching on the size and likeness of God match up with what the early Freemason-Mormon leaders also taught. Add to this the veiled symbols of Freemasonry that he has placed on 2 covers, possibly more.
I would have never suspected Copeland of being a Freemason if it were not for his heretical teachings including his belief that God was gang raped and sodomised by homosexual Roman soldiers. If so then God's blood would be impure and unable to redeem. Please click on the link below for more information on Copeland's false teachings and strange beliefs.
The deciding factor to publish this information came after a friend of mine received information from an ex-Mason that stated that he has been in attendance in Masonic meeting when Copeland was present. At the moment this man wishes not to reveal himself. He possibly has some firm documented evidence that we will try to obtain. I do not know who this man is but my friend is trying to obtain more information. Another thing that helped verify these facts is a research project in the US that has gained some proof of these allegations. I am currently trying to contact these men so I can add their research to this page. What I do know is that they are both 'Born-again' Christian ministers whose credentials have been checked out. I will amplify on these details later.
Kenneth Copeland 33rd Degree
Freemason Exposed
In this article we will attempt for the first time to unveil the truth of Kenneth Copeland's Masonic membership. As Kenneth is a closet, secret Freemason who does not want anyone to know this truth, it will be a involving task that needs to look deeply into any specific clues. It is a trademark of most proud Masons to leave key symbols veiled into pictures and also to use various keywords in speeches or secret handshakes. Proof of this can be found in Masonry's most common definition of itself as being 'Freemasonry is a peculiar system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, and illustrated by Symbols.' This is taken directly from the second degree initiation and evidence that it is still currently used was proven to me recently when I attended a Masonic open day and heard that same description. The application of this quote in regards to Copeland will be discussed below.
• Kenneth Copeland started his ministry under Oral Roberts 33rd Degree Freemason as a pilot.
Kenneth was on TV sometime around June 1997 praising Oral Roberts as they are close friends.
Evidence that Oral Roberts is a 33rd Degree Freemason will be compiled and published as soon as possible.
• Kenneth Copeland chants the words "I AM" which is a Masonic initiation term.
"And I say this with all respect, so that it don't upset you too bad. But I say it anyway: When I read in the Bible where He says, "I AM," I just smile and say, "Yes, I AM, too." Believers Voice of Victory broadcast July 9 1987
During the ceremonies of the Masonic ritual for the Royal Arch degree, the candidate is asked, "Brother Inspector, what are you?" and he replies, "I AM THAT I AM."
When Jesus told the jews before Abraham was "I AM" he was claming to be the God of Moses who went by that name. This is why they tried to kill him immediately. Kenneth is claiming to be a God.
33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller also endorses his followers to chant "I AM"
"The most effective mantras employ the "M" sound. You can get the feel of it by repeating the words, "I am, I am," many times over.... Transendental Meditation or TM... is not a religion nor is it necessarily anti-Christian."
Peace of Mind Through Possibility Thinking, pp. 131-32
Benny Hinn whom I suspect is a Freemason, also tells Christians to chant "I AM."
"Don't tell me you have Jesus. You are everything He was and everything He is and ever shall be.....Don't say, 'I have.' Say , 'I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM.' Our Position in Christ #2-The Word Made Flesh audiotape Side 2 1991
• Kenneth Copeland has stated that Jehovah means Half Male/ Half Female and that God is as much female as he is male.
He amplifies this strange teaching by also saying that Adam was originally half male and half female.
According to the book "The Secret Teachings Of Freemasonry" by Gordon Mohr this is exactly what the Masonic Lodge teaches:- (on pages 107-108)
In his first initiation stages he (the Freemason) learns: 1 - That the rite of initation for Apprentice Masons represents in dramatic fashion the origin or birth of Nature's god - the Great All. It signifies the non-existence of a supernatural person God, such as that of Christianity. It signifies that the two principles of "matter" and "form", "male" and "female," are always eternally generating," (reproducing). It looks on God as a hermaphrodite, and creation as the beginning of the "generation process." Taken from: Speculative Masonry, by Brother J. Yorke, Grand Master of the Ancient Rite pages 3 & 54
2 - The initation rite into the Second Degree, represents the moral condition of nature's god, always in labor, always reproducing. Again it looks on God as hermaphroditic, and states that his name JEHOVAH, means "generation." Meaning to say, HE-SHE, the two sexes in one. From Speculative Masonry page 14 & Mackey's Lexion pages 126-129
The dual principle of "male" and "female" is represented by the "square and compass." The "compass" represents OSIRIS, the male god of the Egyptians, while the "square" is the symbol representing ISIS, the female goddess of Egypt - both are sexual symbols. Taken from: Ragon's Cours. Philosophique page 102
This reference to the square and compass is significant as Copeland has placed these symbols on one of his tape covers.
• Copeland teaches similar things that the early Mormons leaders who were also Freemasons taught.
While the Mormons teach that God lives on a planet near the star Kolob, Copeland says that his hermaphroditic god also lives on a Mother Planet:-
"Heaven has a north and a south and an east and a west. Consequently, it must be a planet."
Spirit, Soul and Body I 1985 audiotape #01-0601, side 1
"You don't think earth was first, do you? Huh? Well, you don't think that God made man in His image, and then made earth in some other image? There is not anything under this whole sun that's new. Are you hearing what I'm saying? This is all a copy. It's a copy of home. It's a copy of the Mother Planet. Where God lives, He made a little one just like His and put us on it." Following the Faith of Abraham I, 1989 audiotape #01-3001, side 1
Compare what Freemason-Mormon Brigham Young stated "Adam is our father and our God" with Copeland's quote:-
"Adam, in the Garden of Eden, was God manifested in the flesh."
Following the Faith of Abraham I, side 1
Also compare Freemason-Mormon founder Joseph Smith's teaching that if you were to see God today "you would see him like a man in form - like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man." with Copeland's following description of his god:-
Copeland decribes God as "a being that is very uncanny the way he's very much like you and me. A being that stands somewhere around 6'2", 6'3", that weighs somewhere in the neighbourhood of a couple of hundred pounds or a little better, has a span of 9 inches across." Spirit, Soul and Body I audiotape Side 1 1985
God spoke Adam into existence in authority with words. These words struck Adam's body in the face. His body and God were exactly the same size."
Holy Bible, Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition 1991, 45, emphasis in original
"[Adam] was the copy, looked just like [God]. If you stood Adam upside God, they look exactly alike. If you stood Jesus and Adam side by side, they would look and sound exactly alike."
Authority of the Believer IV 1987, audiotape #01-0304, side 1
On the cover for Copeland's audiotape series entitled 'How To Build Your Firm Foundation.' Remember the main definition of Masonry as being 'Freemasonry is a peculiar system of Morality, veiled in Allegory, and illustrated by Symbols.'
This is exactly what we have right here. Copeland has placed the chief Masonic symbols of the square and compass here that to most people the true meaning is veiled in an allegorical style.
ALLEGORY, fictional literary narrative or artistic expression that conveys a symbolic meaning parallel to but distinct from, and more important than, the literal meaning. Allegory has also been defined as an extended metaphor. The symbolic meaning is usually expressed through personifications and other symbols. In art, an allegorical painting or sculpture is one that has a symbolic meaning underlying the surface image.
More symbols of Freemasonry are incorporated into Copeland's 'Shout' magazine for kids. Around Kenneth's neck is an eagle above an inverted triangle. I have seen this symbol on a Masonic certificate before. The female has an inverted 5 pointed star placed on her shirt. This symbol represents the 'Order of the Eastern Star' which is a Masonic order for women! Is this a coincidence? Now Copeland has placed the main symbols of Masonry and the Eastern Star on his covers. When 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller wanted to express his secret membership in the Lodge he used the 33rd Degree symbol of a double headed eagle and sent it out to many people without them realizing what he was declaring to his Masonic brothers worldwide. 33rd Degree Freemason Oral Roberts used the inverted triangle in his University logo which has a hidden Masonic design to it. Another odd element is that the Freemasons veiled the symbols of the square, compass, inverted star and triangle into the street layout of Washington D.C. These are the 3 symbols that Copeland has placed on the 2 mentioned covers. As I write this he is also presently in Washington conducting a rally.
To summarize:-
Kenneth Copeland started work under a 33rd Degree Freemason whom he has a strong friendship with. He claims to be 'I AM' which is a Masonic initiation term. His teaching about his hermaphroditic god match up exactly with what Masonry teaches and his teaching on the size and likeness of God match up with what the early Freemason-Mormon leaders also taught. Add to this the veiled symbols of Freemasonry that he has placed on 2 covers, possibly more.
I would have never suspected Copeland of being a Freemason if it were not for his heretical teachings including his belief that God was gang raped and sodomised by homosexual Roman soldiers. If so then God's blood would be impure and unable to redeem. Please click on the link below for more information on Copeland's false teachings and strange beliefs.
The deciding factor to publish this information came after a friend of mine received information from an ex-Mason that stated that he has been in attendance in Masonic meeting when Copeland was present. At the moment this man wishes not to reveal himself. He possibly has some firm documented evidence that we will try to obtain. I do not know who this man is but my friend is trying to obtain more information. Another thing that helped verify these facts is a research project in the US that has gained some proof of these allegations. I am currently trying to contact these men so I can add their research to this page. What I do know is that they are both 'Born-again' Christian ministers whose credentials have been checked out. I will amplify on these details later.
charmo- Viestien lukumäärä : 46
Join date : 15.01.2014
Ikä : 65
Paikkakunta : Suomi
Vs: Kenneth Copeland
Olen lukenut ehkä n 8-10 vuotta sitten Kenneth Copelandin harhaopeista
joten tuttua on, kiitos kuitenkin kirjoituksesta !
Olen lukenut ehkä n 8-10 vuotta sitten Kenneth Copelandin harhaopeista
joten tuttua on, kiitos kuitenkin kirjoituksesta !
Rea Aalto- Viestien lukumäärä : 610
Join date : 23.10.2013
Ikä : 74
Paikkakunta : Ruotsi
Vs: Kenneth Copeland
Rea, laitoinkin sen vain sen takia, että totesittenartikkelin kautta hänen muurarikytkentänsä, kuten myös Oral Robertsonin. Vapaamuurarien jumala on Lusifer, ei JHWH.
charmo- Viestien lukumäärä : 46
Join date : 15.01.2014
Ikä : 65
Paikkakunta : Suomi
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